Bolivar Power Station

Iberdrola Australia has agreed to lease 120 MW of aero-derivative gas turbine equipment from the South Australian Government for a period of 25 years.  

The equipment includes four independent 30 MW dual fuel units and related balance of plant. The generators can start in less than ten minutes and enable Iberdrola Australia to manage the intermittency risks associated with its large and growing fleet of renewable energy assets.

The South Australian Gas Turbines are located in Bolivar, north of Adelaide, where their dual fuel functionality can be deployed.

Lake Bonney Battery

The 25 MW / 52 MWh Battery Energy Storage System is co-located with the Lake Bonney Wind Farms near Millicent in South Australia. The battery was energised in 2019.

Iberdrola Australia entered into funding agreements with the South Australian (SA) Government and the Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) to co-fund the ~$38 million development. The SA Government and ARENA are each contributing up to $5 million in funding.

The battery assists Iberdrola Australia in managing the intermittency risk associated with renewable energy. It also participates in the volatile Frequency Control Ancillary Services (FCAS) markets, providing Iberdrola Australia with a degree of hedging against FCAS costs. In addition, the battery contributes towards system reliability for our customers - and the network as a whole - in South Australia.

Smithfield Open Cycle Gas Turbine

The Smithfield Open Cycle Gas Turbine (OCGT) is a 123 MW gas peaker located in Western Sydney, NSW. It is a core asset in Iberdrola Australia's portfolio of fast-start firming assets, enabling us to manage intermittency risks associated with our large and growing renewable energy fleet.

Smithfield OCGT has a fifteen minute start time, enabling the asset to capture high electricity price events. As a peaking generator, Smithfield OCGT operates with very low capacity utilisation, estimated at 2-8% per annum. 

Smithfield OCGT was acquired by Iberdrola Australia in May 2019.

Wallgrove Grid Battery

Iberdrola Australia have secured dispatch control of Wallgrove Grid Battery for use in the energy and Frequency Control Ancillary Services (FCAS) markets under an agreement with TransGrid for a period of 10 years from commissioning. 

The Wallgrove Grid Battery project is a 50 MW / 75 MWh lithium ion battery connected to the NSW transmission network. It is owned and operated by TransGrid, and designed and constructed by Tesla using Tesla Megapacks.  

The project will trial the use of a battery to provide the network services of fast frequency response and synthetic inertia, and has received funding from ARENA as part of ARENA's Advancing Renewables Program and the NSW Government as part of the Emerging Energy Program.